There are many benefits in being able to discover what you already know

The many benefits of discovering what you already know

It has been a long standing challenge for organisations to provide a single view of people's skills profiles without having to create new profiles, with the associated costs and complexities of this approach.

Being able to discover all the skills and expertise information spread across, and therefore usually hidden in separate systems, brings many benefits. Many of these benefits are obvious but some may surprise you.

The typical costs for replacing just ONE employee per year is more than the license costs for TeamFolio for ONE THOUSAND employees per year.

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Benefits for your organisation, your employees and your customers.

Know what you know

Organisations who can properly understand their capabilities are in the best position to support employee agility. This brings huge benefits to every person and organisation in your supply chain.

But how do you uncover this existing knowledge?

The simple answer is to create an employee skills inventory.

It is of course important to plan such a system around your existing systems and data. With the right approach and the right technology, it is not as difficult to get started as you might think. The sooner you start, the sooner you will benefit from the following.

How an effective employee skills inventory can help.

Graph gauge showing benefits in employee engagement

Employee Engagement

Organisations who properly understand what each of their staff are capable of, will have a more engaged team. Better engagement means better retention, better productivity and generally better outcomes all round.

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Graph gauge showing benefits in customer satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

The evidence shows that all the other benefits derived from having a better understanding of your team's capabilities, ultimately delivers significant improvements in customer satisfaction.

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Graph gauge showing benefits in organisational productivity.

Organisational Productivity

A more engaged team can be the single most important contribution to improving organisational productivity, with improvements of 30-50% usually achieved within 12 months of establishing skills discovery and recognition.

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Graph gauge showing benefits in operational efficiency

Operational Efficiency

Supporting employee agility delivers the powerful combination of improved productivity and efficiency; they each help drive the other, leading to efficiency gains between 15 and 45%.

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Graph gauge showing benefits in financial performance

Financial Performance

Financial performance improvements attributed directly to these strategies for supporting employee agility are seen to be 20-30% within 12 months.

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Graph gauge showing benefits in employee satisfaction.

Employee Satisfaction

Employee recognition and the increased sense of value people feel feeds this positive feedback loop. Discovery of employees’ broader skills, capabilities and experience will drive employee satisfaction in only one direction.

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TeamFolio is a far better way to manage skills.

We really needed a way to locate the people we wanted quickly. There were a lot of emails flying around but many people wouldn't respond, even if they had the skills.

We assessed TeamFolio carefully and searched for any other solutions with the same capabilities, but drew a blank. The only other option would have been to build it ourselves.

Brent Van Lelyveld - Associate Director, BG&E
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The best way to understand if TeamFolio might help your organisation is to see it in action. We can provide demonstrations to key stakeholders in your team via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.

You can also see videos of our previous DiscoverMe software on the DiscoverMe YouTube channel. Many of the concepts shown in these videos remain relevant to TeamFolio.

Following a demo, we can provide a trial of TeamFolio in your environment.